Source code for hydrawiser.helpers

Helper functions to query and send
commands to the controller.
import requests


[docs]def status_schedule(token): """ Returns the json string from the Hydrawise server after calling statusschedule.php. :param token: The users API token. :type token: string :returns: The response from the controller. If there was an error returns None. :rtype: string or None """ url = '' payload = { 'api_key': token} get_response = requests.get(url, params=payload, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) if get_response.status_code == 200 and \ 'error_msg' not in get_response.json(): return get_response.json() return None
[docs]def customer_details(token): """ Returns the json string from the Hydrawise server after calling customerdetails.php. :param token: The users API token. :type token: string :returns: The response from the controller. If there was an error returns None. :rtype: string or None. """ url = '' payload = { 'api_key': token, 'type': 'controllers'} get_response = requests.get(url, params=payload, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) if get_response.status_code == 200 and \ 'error_msg' not in get_response.json(): return get_response.json() return None
[docs]def set_zones(token, action, relay=None, time=None): """ Controls the zone relays to turn sprinklers on and off. :param token: The users API token. :type token: string :param action: The action to perform. Available actions are: run, runall, stop, stopall, suspend, and suspendall. :type action: string :param relay: The zone to take action on. If no zone is specified then the action will be on all zones. :type relay: int or None :param time: The number of seconds to run or unix epoch time to suspend. :type time: int or None :returns: The response from the controller. If there was an error returns None. :rtype: string or None """ # Actions must be one from this list. action_list = [ 'run', # Run a zone for an amount of time. 'runall', # Run all zones for an amount of time. 'stop', # Stop a zone. 'stopall', # stop all zones. 'suspend', # Suspend a zone for an amount of time. 'suspendall' # Suspend all zones. ] # Was a valid action specified? if action not in action_list: return None # Set the relay id if we are operating on a single relay. if action in ['runall', 'stopall', 'suspendall']: if relay is not None: return None else: relay_cmd = '' else: relay_cmd = '&relay_id={}'.format(relay) # Add a time argument if the action requires it. if action in ['run', 'runall', 'suspend', 'suspendall']: if time is None: return None else: custom_cmd = '&custom={}'.format(time) period_cmd = '&period_id=999' else: custom_cmd = '' period_cmd = '' # If action is on a single relay then make sure a relay is specified. if action in ['stop', 'run', 'suspend'] and relay is None: return None get_response = requests.get('' 'setzone.php?' '&api_key={}' '&action={}{}{}{}' .format(token, action, relay_cmd, period_cmd, custom_cmd), timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) if get_response.status_code == 200 and \ 'error_msg' not in get_response.json(): return get_response.json() return None